à propos

I have dreamt about Paris for as long as I remember. I'm not sure how or when it started, but all I know is that I began taking French in seventh grade. It was only Wednesday mornings before school, but I was smitten. I thought the language was absolutely beautiful. The following summer, I convinced my parents to let me attend a two week French immersion camp: all the camp songs were in French, each camper had a French name (mine was Geneviève), and of course the food was French. I will never forget the giant bowls of chocolat chaud at breakfast, the delicious crêpes at mealtimes, and the bonbons at the canteen (can you see the trend towards sweets?). 

In high school, I took French all four years. I had a wonderful teacher who gave me a deeper appreciation for the language, French culture, and especially the food. I learned how to make my first crêpe! And somewhere along the way, my mom acquired a copy of Ina Garten's Barefoot in Paris. She bought some new kitchen equipment- a blowtorch, madeleine pan, coeur à la crème dish- and discovered some of our favorite recipes that are made over and over again. 

I continued learning French in college, and ended up with a minor. I loved all the novels and plays I read, but my conversational French was a little lacking. I dreamt of going to France and finally becoming fluent, immersing myself in with the people. When I thought about applying to PA school and the time I would have off in between, I pictured myself going to France teach English or maybe spending a month taking cooking classes. I had no idea that my wonderful parents decided that my college graduation gift was a trip to Paris! When they told me, I was in shock. As in, I literally started crying. It felt too good to be true. I was going to a country I had dreamt about for years. And I was getting to spend six days in its capital, its huge, glittering center full of food and incredible history. And let me tell you, it was MAGICAL. I kid you not, it is a place full of flaky croissants, cobblestone streets, endless espresso, and sparkly chandeliers. After spending six days there, it holds an even more magical place in my mind- I'm currently dreaming about it. And for me, the food is the best part. Fresh cuisine and exquisite desserts characterizes amazing French cooking.

Being in the kitchen is the most tangible way I can connect to Paris, a place I have and always will dream about. Here, I will record my adventures in French cooking, from rich and complex boeuf bourguignon to simple madeleines. I hope you enjoy it! 


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